selection screen in abap

Selection-screen programming

selection screen in sap abap

Selection-screen is used for reading the user input. As part of selection-screen we can design following selection screen elements:
a.     Labels
b.     Input fields
c.      Push buttons
d.     Check boxes
e.     Radio buttons
f.       Blocks
g.     Tabbed blocks
h.     List box

Syntax for selection-screen Blocks:

Selection-screen begin of block <block name> [with frame title <title variable>.
 Selection-screen elements.
Selection-screen end of block<block name>.

Syntax for labels (comment):

Selection-screen comment <start position>(<width>) <label variable>.

Syntax for pushbuttons:

Selection-screen push button <start position> <width> <button variable> user-command <function code>.

Event Handling in Selection Screen:

As part of ABAP programming language, there are many events provided by SAP which are triggered at different places. These events can be handled to provide dynamic features to the applications; these events are raised by SAP itself.
As part of selection-screen also, the following are the events:-

1.     Initialization.
2.     At selection-screen output.
3.     At selection-screen on field.
4.     At selection-screen.
5.     At selection-screen on value-request.
6.     At selection-screen on help-request.
7.     At selection-screen on radio button group


This is the first event triggered/raised whenever a selection-screen is displayed. This event is triggered only once in the life time of a selection-screen.
This event can be handled to initialize the selection-screen fields.

At selection-screen output:

This event is triggered in the following two cases:
Case 1: Whenever the selection screen is displayed for the first time (triggers after the initialization event)
Case 2: It is also triggered after the at selection-screen event.
This event can be handled to refresh the selection-screen elements dynamically. i.e screen refreshing logic should be implemented as part of this event.

At selection-screen on field:

This event is triggered whenever the user press enter key in the input field.
This event can be handled to validate the field.

At selection-screen­:

This event is triggered when the user performs the following actions on the selection screen field.
a.     Clicking a push button.
b.     Pressing enter key in the input field.
c.      Selecting a value in the drop down.
d.     On selection / deselection of a checkbox

At selection-screen on value request:

This event is triggered when the user presses “F4” Key in a selection screen input field.
This event can be handled to provide “custom F4 “ Help for a selection  screen input field. As part of this event handling, we need to call the function module ‘F4IF_INT_TABLE_VALUE_REQUEST’ to populate custom F4 values.

At selection-screen on help request:

This event is triggered when the user press “F1” key on a selection screen field.
This event can be handled to provide “custom f1 help” for the selection screen field.

At selection-screen on radio button group:

This event is triggered whenever the user selects a radio button in the radio button group of a selection screen. In this case, the function code of the radio button group is captured in the system field ‘SY-UCOMM’ and the radio button value is set to ‘X’.

**Some important notes about selection screen:

What is Screen:

Screen is a dictionary structure provided by SAP. This structure acts as an internal table during the execution of executable or module pool programs.
This internal table contains information of screen-elements.
The information includes the name of the field,  “visible or invisible”, “enable”/”disable”, “optional/mandatory’.
By looping the screen internal table, we can control the behavior or appearance of screen display.

Grouping screen elements:

Whenever we need to assign common properties for multiple screen elements, then we can group them into a screen group and they compare with this group as part of looping the screen internal table. In case of selection-screen elements, we use the addition ‘MODIF ID’ as part of parameters statements to provide the screen group name.

Note:- If anybody want some example of these all topic then kindly send/comment your mail id, i will send the all examples through mail in word format.

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