database programming

Database Programming in ABAP

database programming in sap abap


To interact with the SAP Database from ABAP applications, we use two types of SQL (Standard query language) statements.

1.     Open SQL
2.      Native SQL

Native SQL: 
Every database vendor provides their own set of SQL statements
used for interacting with their own databases. 
Native SQL statements are enclosed between ‘EXEC SQL’ and ‘ENDEXEC’.
Oracle Corporation à Oracle database à Native SQL statements (specific to
Microsoft à SQL Server à Native SQL statements (specific to SQL Server)

Open SQL
This is not specific to any database. i.e. they can be used to interact with
any of the databases. These open SQL statements are internally converted to native
SQL by a tool called as database interface.

Performance wise Native sql is faster than open sql.
But it is recommended to use Open sql only because in future if the customer
changes the database also, we need not modify the objects.

open sql and native sql picture

Procedure for interacting with databases from ABAP Programs:

 1. Analyze the database table and the required fields (field name, data types, sequence) which needs to be retrieved

 2. Declare the corresponding declarations (structure / internal table/ individual fields)
            structure -> for holding single record
            int.table -> for holding multiple records
            fields --> for holding individual fields

 3. Retrieve the data from the database tables and store the same in the required target         variables
 4. Process the target variables (structure / internal table / fields) accordingly

Select single
This is an open sql statement used for retrieving single record from the database table. Whenever we use select single. 

It is recommended to use where clause in the select query comparing with primary key field to ensure appropriate record is retrieved (if available).

This is a open SQL statement used for retrieving multiple records from the database. 

It is a looping statement, where in, for each select statement execution, it retrieves single record, and the no. of times the select query execution depends on the no. of records satisfying the condition. 

If there are more select queries, it increases network traffic and thereby decreases performance. Because of this reason, it is recommended to minimize the usage of select..endselect and instead use ‘select into table’ statement and retrieve the required no. of records using one select statement execution and store the retrieved data into an internal table.

Inserting Single Record into Database table
Insert / modify  <dbtable> from <work area>.
In the above syntax, Insert always inserts new record, if the record already exists (based on primary key field value), it ignores the record. In case of Modify, It will either insert the new record or updates the record if already exists.

Inserting Multiple Records into Database table
Insert  <dbtable> from  table <internal table> [accepting duplicate keys].
In the above syntax, Insert always inserts new records, if any of the record already exists, it leads to run time error, to avoid this runtime error, we can use the addition ‘ignoring duplicate keys’.

Modify  <dbtable> from  table <internal table>.
In the above syntax, Modify will insert new records otherwise updates the existing records.


A cursor is a data structure which can be used for holding multiple records.

Cursors in OPEN SQL:
1.     Declaring the cursor


Data  <cursor name> type CURSOR.

2.     Open the cursor


Open cursor <cursor name> for <select query>.

**Note: Only select statements can be associated with the cursors. Whenever a cursor is opened, the select query associated with the cursor will be executed and the result of the select query is stored in the cursor which is called as activeset.

3.     Read the cursor data


Fetch next cursor <cursor name> into <target fields>.

Note: Fetch statement reads content of the current cursor line into target fields. If the fetch is successful, sy-subrc is set to 0 otherwise 4.

4.     Close the cursor


Close  cursor <cursor name>.

Cursors in NATIVE SQL:

1.     Open the cursor


Open <cursor name> for <select query>.

2.     Read the cursor data


Fetch next <cursor name> into <target fields>.

3.     Close the cursor


Close <cursor name>.

Note:- If anybody want some example of these all topic then kindly send/comment your mail id, i will send the all examples through mail in word format.

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